Science / Publications


Since its foundation the Arbeitsgruppe NFP has been scientifically accompanied. Today the cycle database belongs to the department of gynecology and endocrinology at the University of Heidelberg.

The long-term scientific guidance of the activities and work of the Arbeitsgruppe NFP has led to several specialized medical and pedagogical publications. A selection of this literature in different languages can be found on the following pages.

Sottong, Ursula; Fortrie, Corinna; Bremme, Michael; Freundl, Günter:
Acceptance and practicability of NFP during the lactation period. Vth International Congress „Health and Child Spacing Through Natural Family Planning and Family Life Education, IFFLP/FIDAF World Congress“, 17.-27. August 1989, Nairobi, Kenya.

Sottong, Ursula; Bremme, Michael; Freundl, Günter:
Lactational Amenorrhea and Lactational Anovulation in 109 Breastfeeding Women, in: Advances in Contraception (1992), Vol. 8, No. 3, p. 269-270.

Sottong, Ursula; Freundl, Günter; Fortrie, Corinna:
Primi risultati di uno studio sulla practicabilità e sulla accettazione dei metodi naturali durante l’allattamento. La Regolazione naturale della fertilità: Scienza, cultura, esperienza verso il 2000. Atti del II. Congresso Internationale, 9-12 Dicembre 1993, Mailand, in: Kongressbericht Mailand (1993), S. 431-440.

Sottong, Ursula; Bremme, Michael; Ballhausen, Ulrike:
Return of fertility post partum and during lactation period (Interim report). 4th European Congress of the IFFLP/FIDAF. Natural Family Planning and Marriage Enrichment, 16.-24.5.1987, Institut für Ehe und Familie (Hrsg.), Wien 1988, Dokumentation Wien, S. 80-94.

Sottong, Ursula; Bremme, Michael; Frank-Herrmann, Petra; Freundl, Günter:
Rückkehr der Fertilität post partum und Stillen, in: Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics (1993), Vol. 254, No. 1-4, S. 286-287.

Gnoth, Christian; Godehardt, Erhard; Frank-Herrmann, Petra; Friol, K.; Tigges, J.; Freundl, Günter:
Definition and prevalence of subfertility and infertility, in: Human Reproduction (2005), Vol. 20, No. 5, p. 1144-1147.

Gnoth, Christian; Frank-Herrmann, Petra; Freundl, Günter:
Opinion: Natural family planning and the management of infertility, in: Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics (2002), Vol. 267, No. 2, p. 67-71.

Gnoth, Christian; Godehardt, Doris; Godehardt, Erhard; Frank-Herrmann, Petra; Freundl, Günter:
Time to pregnancy: results of the German prospective study and impact on the management of infertility, in: Human Reproduction (2003), Vol. 18, No. 9, p. 1959-1966.

Sottong, Ursula:
The desire for a child. Vortrag zum „Congress Bioethics. Reproductive technology from a woman’s point of view, 18.06.2000, Portugal.

Klann-Heinen, Petra; Sottong, Ursula:
From theory to practice – how the evaluation has influenced the new german NFP teacher training curricululm. Fertility and Family life in a changing world, anthropological and medical aspects. 2004 European Conference 24-26 June 2004, VMU Kaunas, in: Kongressbericht Köln (2004), S. 24.

Sottong, Ursula:
From Theory to Practice. How the evaluation has influenced the new German NFP teacher training curriculum. Vortrag zur IEEF Conference, 24.06.2004, Kaunas/Litauen.

Sottong, Ursula; Freundl, Günter; Frank-Herrmann, Petra:
Comprehensive workshop of the development of a national NFP service. VIth. World Congress, International Federation for Family Life Promotion, September 16-24, 1994, Lublin/Poland, in: Proceedings Lublin 1994, p. X-1.

Frank-Herrmann, Petra; Strowitzki, Thomas; Baur, Siegfried; Gnoth, Christian; Freundl, Günter; Wischmann, T.:
NFP meets gynaecological endocrinology – first results and case reports from a pilot study at the university of Heidelberg. Fertility and Family Life in a changing world, anthropological and medical aspects. 2004 European Conference 24-26 June 2004, VMU Kaunas, in: Proceedings, p. 25.

Frank-Herrmann, Petra:
Family Planning – individual, global and ethical aspects. 2000 IEEF/EIFLE Conference „Natural family planning: future role and developments“ in cooperation with CAMEN and with the contribution of the University of Milan, 28th June-2nd July 2000, in: Abstracts, p. 47.

Freundl, Günter; Sivin, Irving; Batár, István.:
State-of-the-art of non-hormonal mthods of contraception: IV. Natural family planning, in: The European Journal of Contraception and Reproductiv Health Care, April 2010, 15:113-123

Freundl, Günter:
Natural methods of Family Planning. Fertility Control – Update and Trends. T. Rabe, B. Runnebaum (Hrsg.), Springer Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg/New York 1999.

Freundl, Günter:
Present stage of knowledge of reproductive biology concerning natural family planning, in: GENIUS (1998), Vol. LIV, n. 3-4, p. 57-74.

Sottong, Ursula:
NFP in Europe. Vortrag zur Guangzhou Conference, Kanton, China, 26.06.2005.

Sottong, Ursula; Klann-Heinen, Petra:
NFP Online Counselling. Fertility and Family life in a changing world, anthropological and medical aspects. 2004 European Conference 24-26 June 2004, VMU Kaunas, in: Kongressbericht Kaunas 2004, S. 12.

Gnoth, Christian; Frank-Herrmann, Petra; Freundl, Günter; Kunert, Josef; Godehardt, Erhard:
Sexual behaviour of natural family planning users in Germany and its changes over time, in: Advances in Contraception (1995), Vol. 11, No. 2, S. 173-185.

Klann, Notker; Hahlweg, Kurt; Bell, M.; Hank, Gerty; Sottong, Ursula:
Caratteristiche psicologiche degli utenti di metodi naturali. Internationaler Kongress der IFFLP vom 09.-11. Dezember 1988 in Mailand, in: Kongressbericht Mailand, S. 89-96.

Klann, Notker; Hahlweg, Kurt; Bell, M.; Sottong, Ursula:
Partnerschaft und NFP-Praxis – Psychologische Aspekte von NFP. VIth World Congress, International Federation for Family Life Promotion, September 26-24, 1994, Lublin/Poland.

Klann, Notker; Hahlweg, Kurt; Hank, Gerty:
Psychological Aspects of NFP Practice, in: International Journal of Fertility, Supplement (1988), p. 65-69.

Frank-Herrmann, Petra; Baur, Siegfried; Bremme, Michael; Döring, Gerhard; Godehardt, Erhard; Sottong, Ursula:
Effectiveness and acceptability of the symptothermal method of natural family planning in Germany, in: American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology (1991), Vol. 165, No. 6, p. 2052-2054.

Frank-Herrmann, Petra; Freundl, Günter; Gnoth, Christian; Godehardt, Erhard; Kunert, Josef; Baur, Siegfried; Sottong, Ursula:
Natural family planning with and without barrier method use in the fertile phase: efficacy in relation to sexual behaviour: a German prospective long-term study, in: Advances in Contraception (1997), Vol. 13, No. 2-3, p. 179-189.

Frank-Herrmann, Petra; Gnoth, Christian; Sottong, Ursula et al.:
Effectiveness of various approaches to NFP & beyond scientific choice of NFP methodology, R.J. Fehring, Theresa Notare (Eds.), Marquette University Press, Milwaukee 1008, in: Human Fertility (2008), p. 142-155.

Frank-Herrmann, Petra; Heil, J.; Gnoth, Christian et al.:
The effectiveness of a fertility awareness based method to avoid pregnancy in relation to a couple’s sexual behaviour during the fertile time: A prospective longitudinal study, in: Human Reproduction (2007), Vol. 22, Nr. 5, p. 1310-1319.

Freundl, Günter; Baur, Siegfried; Bremme, Michael; Frank-Herrmann, Petra; Sottong, Ursula:
Preliminary results of the prospective european NFP-efficiency study 1992 (Ongoing). III. Symposium internacional sobre avances en regulación natural de la fertilidad, Malaga 1994, in: Kongressbericht Malaga, S. 135-144.

Freundl, Günter:
Prospective european multicenter study of the effectiveness and acceptability of natural family planning (1989-1994). VIth. World Congress, International Federation for Family Life Promotion, September 16-24, 1994, Lublin/Poland, in: Proceedings Lublin, p. I-1.

Freundl, Günter; Frank-Herrmann, Petra; Brown, Simon; Blackwell, Leonard:
A new method to detect significant basal body temperature changes during a woman’s menstrual cycle, The European Journal of Contraception and Reproductive Health Care, 2014; 19: 392-400

Frank-Herrmann, Petra; Gnoth, Christian; Baur, Siegfried; Strowitzki, Thomas; Freundl, Günter:
Determination of the fertile window: Reproductive competence of women – European cycle databases, in: Gynecological Endocrinology (2005), Vol. 20, No. 6, p. 305-312.

Gnoth, Christian; Frank-Herrmann, Petra; Schmoll, A.; Godehardt, Erhard; Freundl, Günter:
Cycle characteristics after discontinuation of oral contraceptives, in: Gynecological Endocrinology (2002), Vol. 16, S. 307-317.

Gnoth, Christian; Bremme, Michael; Klemm, R.; Frank-Herrmann, Petra; Godehardt, Erhard; Freundl, Günter:
Research and quality control in natural family planning with relational database systems. Forschungsprojekt NFP der Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf 1998, in: Advances in Contraception (1999), Vol. 15, No. 4, S. 375-380.

Jacobs, C.; Frank-Herrmann, Petra; Jenetzky, E.; Strowitzki, Thomas:
Self-observation of the fertile window in the menstrual cycle by the infertility patient: diagnostic relevance and spontaneous pregnancy rate, in: Human Reproduction (2006), Vol. 21, Supplement 1, Nr. 504, S. 194.